Every year, hundreds of thousands of tons of plastics get washed into the ocean and rivers in Ghana. Communities especially in the rural areas lack access to information on recycling and do not have access to recycling opportunities. Ghost gear from fishing activities also washes onto the beaches and waterfronts. Local communities generally will clean it up and burn or bury on the beach, which is not a sound method for disposal of plastic waste. Our response goes beyond beach cleanups to creating interactive community touchpoints called iTouchPoints (iTPs). By creating interactive community touchpoints (iTouchPoints - iTP) within communities, we educate and reward communities, while bringing them closer to recycling facilities. In the process we also create alternative sources of livelihood through revenue generated from plastics and ghost gear transactions from the sale of recycled material. Our iTPs are solar powered to reduce cost of operations of the iTPs and guarantee long term sustainability as the local communities will eventually manage the iTPs with oversight from CHIANT AFRIQUE ACADEMY and their local partners.
We provide rewards for ocean bound plastics and bring select coastal and riverine communities closer to recycling infrastructure. We link rural communities to global markets for recycling material, leverage innovation to empower women and youths to play a more active role in fishing and with our blueprint unlock access to sustainable living as part of our global corporate philosophy to be a key enabler in Africa’s transition towards a circular economy.
NetCYCLE is a flagship project of CHAINT AFRIQUE Academy in collaboration with Tide Ocean Material, Coliba Ghana Ltd and MPower Ventures AG.
We create access to recycling points for rural communities via our iTPs on the coast of Ghana and on Lake Volta and estuaries. In the process we assist WSP with access to recycled material from rural communities and contribute towards curbing plastic pollution from fishnets and PET in rural communities.
We don’t do random beach clean ups but engage in long-term programmes that provide a viable solution for pollution on the beaches and rivers. We work with corporates to design a fun and engaging package that starts with assessing their own corporate plastic footprint and designing a sustainability policy for their organisations. We then extend our engagement to introducing plastic awareness within communities and culminate the engagement in sponsorship and installation of an iTP within the community. The iTP will be named after the corporate entity but will be jointly managed by CHAINT AFRIQUE ACADEMY and the local community.
We leverage innovation to encourage communities to appreciate the essence of resource efficiency and aspire towards sustainable living in rural communities. We create alternative livelihoods through the value we add to plastic waste and monofilament nylon nets, while working with our partners to further enhance the wellbeing of the communities we operate within. Our interactive set-up provides and innovative means of advocacy which goes beyond plastic waste recycling.
In creating access to recycling opportunities in rural communities we unlock access to sustainable living, giving rural communities a sustainable choice of environmental sound management of plastic waste. We also collaborate with select partners to provide other services including access to free wifi at our iTPs and opportunities for charging of mobile phones.